Sambalpur: State Government is ignoring Western Odisha, the Sambalpur District Bar Association to call for a 12-hour Strike on 2nd Nov

Sambalpur: The state government is ignoring Western Odisha. No more will be tolerated. The Sambalpur District Bar Association is thinking of bringing down the movement on the demand of a separate state. President of Sambalpur District Bar’s Association Sureshwar Mishra said that a 12-hour Sambalpur shutdown is being called on November 2. The state government has always maintained a careless attitude towards Western Odisha. Financial exploitation is taking place.
The state government is not taking a concrete decision despite the demand for a permanent bench of the High Court. The state government is taking a careless attitude. Even in the case of converting Vimsar into a super specialty hospital, the policy of laxity is being followed. In such a situation there is no other option but a separate state. There have been proposals from some quarters demanding the formation of a separate Western Odisha state. Mr. Mishra said that a final decision will be taken regarding the Sambalpur bandh call in the coming days after discussions with various organizations.