
Online Sambalpur Team Wishes Happy Dhanteras & Happy Diwali to Everyone

The Diwali start with Dhanteras, which is also referred to as Dhanatrayodashi. This year it is being celebrated today on Saturday, October 22. On Dhanteras, devotees worship Lord Kuber, Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Dhanvantri for good health, wealth, and prosperity. They also buy gold, silver, and utensils on this day as it is considered auspicious.

Diwali, which is also called the Festival of Lights or Deepavali, is a joyful five-day festival celebrated by millions of Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains across the globe. It takes place in the Hindu month of Kartik, which tends to be around October and November. The biggest day of the celebration will be on October 24, 2022. People who observe Hinduism also ask for blessings from the goddess Lakshmi on this day, and may also enjoy a feast and plenty of sweets to mark the occasion.

The main idea behind Diwali is good triumphing over evil, and light conquering darkness. That’s why another part of the Diwali celebration involves people bringing light into their lives with fireworks, candles, and lanterns. People also celebrate by bringing color into their homes by creating intricate patterns called rangolis from colored powder, rice, and flowers. It’s also considered a time for fresh starts, similar to New Year’s Day.

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