Sambalpur Local News

Patients wait two months for an ultrasound in Vimsar

Burla: VIMSAR which People throughout western Odisha is dependent on healthcare , the state government has made arrangements to provide free medical care, starting with free medical examinations. The ultrasound system at the hospital has failed. Patients are told to wait 2 months for a free ultrasound at the hospital. Doctors, on the other hand, however, suggest that treatment may be provided after viewing the ultrasound report. As a result, patients are forced to go to private pathology labs or private nursing homes.
This is what happened to a poor patient yesterday. One of the patients was Satish Chhatria, 50, of Burla. He went to Burla Hospital yesterday to see a doctor as his stomach was aching. The doctor advised her to have an ultrasound. He then went to the hospital for an ultrasound. However, he was asked to appear for the exam on January 3, 2022. This means that an ultrasound should be performed 2 months later. If the patient waits for so many months, the question is whether the hospital authorities will be responsible if there is any risk to his or her life. Even for this reason, patients are forced to face private pathology labs. Authorities opposed the protest with all available police forces, special services and the army. Asked by the hospital’s superintendent to Dr. Lalmohan Nayak, he declined to comment.

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