Permanent bench of the High Court in Western Odisha: High Court Bar Association should stay away from protest

Sambalpur: The Sambalpur Civil Action Committee has strongly condemned the High Court Bar Association’s open opposition to the establishment of permanent benches of the High Court in western and southern Odisha. The committee has appealed to the Chief Justice of the High Court to send a positive opinion to the Central Government without any pressure. With the establishment of a permanent bench of the High Court, the Government of Odisha has sent a proposal to the Central Government. The central government has again shown sympathy and urged the state government to send a co-ordinated proposal to the state government. Both the state and central governments were thanked at the meeting of the Civil Action Committee. The state government has also been asked to send the necessary proposals immediately.
Administrative and judicial decentralization is a natural process. Various states and districts of the country have been divided according to this process. The division process is also being emphasized among the various departments. The agitation has been going on for the past 50 years demanding a permanent establishment of the High Court to facilitate the judicial process. The fact that the High Court Bar Association has opposed the establishment of the High Court bench has left the people of western Odisha in a state of shock and reaction. The consequences of such an approach can be dire. Therefore, the meeting was of the opinion that such work should be stopped and assisted in timely decentralization. Intellectuals from all parts of Odisha have been urged to unite in the greater interest of the state. Ashok Kumar Meher, Prafulla Hota, Deepak Kumar Panda and Shivprasad Meher were present at the meeting.