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Prime Minister’s Twitter account hacked

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s personal Twitter account has been hacked for some time. Twitter has been notified and the account has been secured again. The prime minister’s office personnel said in a statement that “Don’t intend the comment share during hacked.

On Sunday morning, Prime Minister Modi’s Twitter account was hacked for a short time and a tweet was shared in favor of cryptocurrency Bitcoin. The government has bought 500 Bitcoin and is distributing it to all people in the country. It was tweeted that a link should be shared and come forward. According to Twitter, his team was able to secure the hack immediately after receiving information about the hacking. With the exception of that one share in favor of cryptocurrency, the hacker did not get a chance to misuse the Prime Minister’s account, hacking Twitter’s internal system and not hacking it, while a government party has launched an investigation into it. After receiving the above tweet, many Twitter users tweeted on suspicion that the Prime Minister’s account had been hacked.

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