Professors and senior doctors are coming late, Vimsar OPD in the hands of the inexperienced

Burla: Not coming to the doctor’s office at Burla General Hospital, not arriving on time, is nothing new. However, this improved after Dr. Ashwini Pujahari became the director. But now it’s again same situation and the arrival of doctors late has become a regular occurrence. Even senior doctors do not come to OPD on time. This led to an Unmanageable situation in the medicine OPD on Monday. To handle the crowds of patients The security guards faced many problem. The OPD has a higher number of patients than other departments. Despite a two-day strike, on Monday morning, patients from far and wide lined up at the outdoor ticket counter to pick up tickets. Despite a two-day strike, on Monday morning, patients from far and wide lined up at the outdoor ticket counter to pick up tickets. They Department of Medicine then lined up at the OPD. On the one hand, the patient’s line is growing, while the other is on duty Two senior doctors of the department Pra. Pradeep Mohanty and Associate Professor Sattvik Tripathi did not arrive on time. They arrived between 11:30 a.m. and 12 noon. The OPD had only a few PG and house surgeons. The number of patients was so high that unpleasant situations arose. The security forces deployed there were unable to control the crowds. Eventually the security supervisor arrived with some other security personnel to handle the situation. Not only today, but in many parts of Vimsar, senior doctors have not come on right time. In this regard, Vimsar Chairman Asked by Dr. Jayashree Dora, he said he did not know anything about it. If that happens then it will be investigated.