Rs 140 crore sanctioned for the development of the Samleshwari temple

The Sambalpur Public Works Department has sanctioned Rs 140 crore for the development of the Samleshwari temple in. The money will be used for various development projects . Money will be spent on the development of the temple and the economic growth of the locals. According to departmental sources, the estimated cost of the project is Rs 60727762. Similarly, Rs 38188431 for the convenience of the devotees, Rs 42167477 for the religious work infrastructure, Rs 24,98490 for the construction of the information center, Rs 6,6719113 for the construction of the Sushan, the approach road and the parking lot.
Rs. In addition, Rs 183087480 for river front development, Rs 18,219549 for water supply, Rs 11,588481 for the construction of four historic gates, Rs 2841109 for sewage system, Rs 183087480 for rain water conservation system, Rs 18219549 for sewage treatment plant It is estimated to cost Rs 11588481for internal development and Rs 2841109 for fire services.