Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Action will be taken against brokers & dishonest employees in Vimsar, A phone number (8260683697) issued for the patient’s family to complain

BURLA: A unique initiative has been taken by vimsar officials to free Vimsar from broker. Also, a patient or patient’s family can complain over the phone if any hospital staff asks for money for any kind of service such as provision of beds, ambulance, transfer to the ward or any other work. For this, the authorities have issued a mobile number (82606 83697), this number will be under the supervision of a hospital manager, the name of the complainant will be kept confidential and the authorities have promised that appropriate action will be taken regarding the complaint.

Following the complaint, Vimsar authorities formed an investigation squad in September last month, which included Vimsar administrative officers, hospital managers, ward officers, security officers in charge and medical fund officers. They will regularly visit the post office’s outdoor, health department and other departments and if they see any suspicious person, they are asked to report to the police, but ironically, this effort of the authorities has not been very effective. However, to make it more effective, a mobile number (82606 83697) has been issued by the Vimsar Authority. Vimsar authorities said that strict action will be taken against any employee found to be involved in illegal activities.

Notably, the state and central governments are taking many steps to provide free healthcare to the poor patients in government hospitals with expert doctor’s consultation, medicines, various expensive tests like patho, CT scan, MRI, dialysis etc. But in Burla, an exception is often reported as nearly 2,000 people come to Vimsar every day with various ailments, many of whom go home after medical consultation, while others go to the hospital. They belong to different departments but it is not only the outsiders who are doing the work of brokers, starting from Vimsar outdoor to indoor, it is alleged that some hospital workers, attendants, cleaners are also involved. They ask for money from patients and their families by offering various services. Brokers often lure poor patients by offering various blood tests at low cost while driving them to private clinics, while others call private nursing homes for better health care. And who goes to different departments and says that they will provide the patients and their families with low cost and various types of surgical supplies but often the poor patients fall under the temptation of lies and spend unnecessarily instead of getting the benefits of free health care from the government.

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