Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Addiction increases crime day by day in Sambalpur city, police failed to prevent the crime

Sambalpur: The number of crimes is increasing day by day in Sambalpur city. We are not saying this. Every year, the cases reported in the police stations in the Sambalpur Metropolitan Corporation (SMC) area are proof of this. Looting on the streets, house theft is a daily occurrence in the city and the fear of the city residents is also increasing.

The townspeople are now afraid to go out at night. People have to think 10 times before leaving their house locked. The terror of thieves and dacoits has spread from house to house in the city. On the other hand, intellectuals are of the opinion that addiction is the biggest reason behind these crimes. The intellectuals say that crime is increasing due to the increased on drug trafficking in the city.

From liquor, drugs, corax, to alcohol pouch, all kinds of intoxicants are being sold openly. The police are also raiding and seizing various drugs. But even after that, the drug trade in the city is increasing instead of decreasing. The intelligentsia claimed that the police should take strict action against the drug trade.

Dhanupali Police Station Deer Park Road has become the hub of drug addicts. Due to the lack of police patrolling, drug addicts have already used this road for drug dealing. The drug addicts are two feet away from the police and are robbing the business. The police are completely failing to prevent it, even culprits can’t be found. On the 2nd side of Deerpark Road, drug addicts are selling drugs by keeping their people. Even if the police are going, before the police arrive, the news reaches the drug addicts, due to which the drug addicts run away easily. Now after the police leave, the business is running again. Many times they have been accused of robbing people walking on that road, even after all this, police patrolling is not being done properly.

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