Sambalpur: The Lakshmi Dunguri Hills near Burla is burning, and Exotic Migratory guest birds are in crisis

Burla: The Lakshmi Dunguri Hills near Burla are burning. When Prashant Sahu of Burla Forest was informed about the fire, he informed that efforts were being made to stop the fire. On the contrary, due to the fire, it has been found that the trees, herbs, wild animals, reptiles, and lizards in the hills are burnt. Importantly, the exotic migratory birds that visit the Hirakud reservoir during the recent winter season are found to be living in the giant trees of this Lakshmi Dunguri. Therefore, the issue of setting fire to such forests by targeting these insects cannot be ignored. Environmentalists and bird lovers have demanded that strong action be taken against such things. To give priority to the protection of foreign birds, the wildlife department has demanded to increase in the number of patrols and to installation of CCTV systems at various sensitive places. Similarly, because some coal mafias are active in this area, it has been demanded to be lenient towards it.