Sambalpur: Where did the right dyke light go?

Burla: The main Dam Department has been spending crores of rupees by working on projects in various ways. For decades, the light is not lit. Even during the visit of the tribunal in the last few months, In the name of beautification, about 20 crores of money is wasted. However, there are allegations of low quality in many cases, while there are allegations of misappropriation of crores of rupees. So many cannot be enlightened When the dam road is about 20 km from Burla zero point to Debrigarh, it gets dark in the evening.
At Right Dyke, the shallow water on one side and the lush greenery on the other are attracting tourists. But the light is not turned on and is now it is the hub of criminal. Apart from that, there are instances of maltreatment of young women who come for social tourism. People from outside the district sometimes come for tourism, but thousands of residents of Burla city and many villages in Bargarh district come here in leisure time. But as soon as the evening came, they were forced to flee in fear of danger. Dilapidated streetlights stand on the sidewalks, but are now almost defunct. The main dam department is painting and glazing the poles to hide the defect. Even though a few lakhs of rupees were being spent, they could not arrange the light.