Sambalpur: Allegations of torture of Dalits’ houses, role of police in suspicion

Last night, an unidentified man allegedly broke into the house and toture a Dalit family living in the mainland in the Ghoshala Fandi block of Dhankauda. However, the role of the police has been called into question. The victim’s family, led by Bhim Aamir state president Lankesh Ravan, met the SDP today and appealed for justice.
At around 9.30 pm last night, some people broke into the house of a dalit family living in the mainland. They mistreated their daughter at home. The young woman was being questioned about her brother. They did not hesitate to mistreat some of the other oppressed women in the village. The family of the victim came to Goshala Fundi at 11.30 pm and complained, but the Fandi officials did not listen to them. Fandi officer mistreated the compainers. Lankesh Ravana went to the SDP office today with written complaint.