Sambalpur: An Anti-Violation System has been Set Up to Ensure Code of Conduct in Sambalpur Elections; 1040 lakhs Seized So Far

Sambalpur: A code of conduct has been implemented to ensure that the next general elections are impartial and fair. During the electoral process, anti-social groups in constituencies are monitored for excessive campaigning and unlawful campaign expenditure, distribution of free materials, cash or in-kind bribes, and transportation of illicit weapons, ammunition, alcohol, and drugs. The Election Commission has ordered the setup of 24-hour squad teams, static surveillance teams, joint prosecution teams, and technical personnel for the polls.
Following the election announcement, three flying squad teams were appointed in each constituency. Each squad consists of a Magistrate, an ASI, three armed police personnel, and a videographer. These Flying Squad teams will handle complaints about the cVIGIL app and other issues, as well as the transportation of illegal cash, luxury goods, narcotics, alcohol, guns, and so on, and will take action against violations of the code of conduct.
According to the District Election Office, 177 complaints were received in the cVIGIL app until Monday in the Sambalpur parliamentary area, and a judgment was reached. Various prosecution agencies seized 1038 lakh rupees in the Lok Sabha case. 2 lakh 3 thousand 500 rupees have been seized and 14 complaints have been received through the cAccording to the District Election Office, 177 complaints were received in the C-Vigil until Monday in the Sambalpur parliamentary area, and a judgment was reached. Various prosecution agencies seized 1038 lakh rupees in the Lok Sabha case. 2 lakh 3 thousand 500 rupees have been seized and 14 complaints have been received through the cVIGIL app in the Sambalpur assembly district. App in the Sambalpur assembly.
The cVIGIL app prioritizes status reports from authorities and users within 100 minutes. In the event of a complaint about the distribution of cash, alcohol, or any other illegal items, the Flying Squad will respond quickly to the scene, confiscate the items, gather evidence, and record statements from witnesses and individuals from whom the goods were seized.
The Static Surveillance Team monitors all complaints related to violations of conduct norms and threats, the spread of anti-social ideology, and so on; complaints related to sanctioned election expenses of losing candidate political parties; and Video Surveillance Teams live videograph all major scandals, public meetings, or major expenses incurred by political parties.