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Sambalpur: An incident took place again at Sambalpur University, “SUIIT” student dies unfornately

Burla: An unfortunate incident took place at the SUIIT Institute under Sambalpur University today. Priyanshu Panda, a student who returned to the hostel after class at 1 p.m., died suddenly.
The cause of death was not immediately clear but everyone thought he might be died of sunstroke.

The new semester has begun. Due to the heat wave, the state government has been order morning schools and colleges. However, Sambalpur University has the exception. Due to the convocation ceremony, the Chancellor’s Office will continue to operate the day office instead of the morning office until the 22nd of this month. Therefore, after classes from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and after lunch breaks, the university continues to teach from 2 to 5 p.m. “Suiit” today announced the death of a BTech third-year student of Computer Science. Priyanshu Panda, a third-year student of the department, returned to the Aryabhata hostel where he was staying at 1pm after class in the morning. After reached to the hostel he fell unconscious There, classmates sprayed him with water and tried to regain consciousness. Unable to regain consciousness, the hostel immediately notified Warden and the director. At about 2 p.m., he was taken to the emergency room in VIMSAR where he was pronounced dead at around 4 p.m. His body is being stored in the Burla Vimsar Medical freezer. The student lived in Cuttack and the information was given to his family.

Public life is being disrupted across western Odisha due to the summer heat wave. Morning lessons should be read in view of the heatwave. However, despite the reluctance of the chancellor’s order, students are forced to attend classes from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The cause of death was not immediately clear, but he might be died of sunstroke. However, attempts were made to contact Warden and the director in this regard. But no one was able to communicate.

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