Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Antaryami, the godfather of Vedic College suicide attempt connections, mobile opens the mystery of suicide attempt

Sambalpur: On the morning of the 10th, Anjali Kumbhar, a female employee of the college, tried to commit suicide, but the owner, Anand Agarwala, was not disturbed. The media reported that the phone of Anand Agarwala, the owner of the college, went off at 7:30 in the morning when the incident took place. He said one thing. You guys should contact Antaryami. Later he was talking on the interphone saying how much you need, our people will reach you as soon as possible and Antaryami succeeded to some extent. Antaryami is now the head of Vedic College. He is known to understand all aspects of the institution. He has been working as the Purchase Officer of the College since 2010. He said that the female employee Anjali had joined the college as a housekeeping staff less than 4 months ago. Last Sunday, he sought permission from the authorities to see the jatra of village. “But despite the authorities refusing her, he went out to watch the jatra,” Antyarami said. Whether Anjali actually went out of the hostel or not will be known only from the CCTV footage. The police should pay special attention to this aspect. It is clear that Antaryami hides many things. If Anjali went out without telling anyone, how could Babu Antyamami and other colleagues not know this news has raised the biggest question. Only Antaryami can tell how the young woman managed to get out without permission amid the tight security of an institution like Vedic.

Anjali, an employee of Vedic College, attempted suicide

Sambalpur: More than 60 hours have passed since the suicide attempt of a female employee of Vedic College, one of the most prominent private educational institutes in Sambalpur, has not lifted the mystery of suicide attempt. Instead of investigating the cause of suicide, the investigating police went to protect the college authorities. Female worker Anjali Kumbhar (22) is now struggling with death. While the college authorities have taken the incident of attempted suicide very lightly, the police are doing their best to ensure that the image of the college and its owner, Anand Agarwal, is not tarnished.

Sources said that she tried to end her life due to alleged mental torture and nonpayment of salaries by the Vedic college authorities. The woman told mediapersons that she was being forced to work beyond scheduled duty hours on a daily basis. She also said that while all the other staff was allowed to go home on Dussehra, she was denied permission. She stated that because of non-payment of her salary she was facing financial constraints for which she tried to end her life. Kumbhar informed that she regularly faced physical and mental torture. “The girl jumped from the roof in the morning at around 8.00 am. She broke her left leg. However, the cause behind the attempt has not been ascertained yet.

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