Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Baby Girl rescued from borewell, Bijayeeni went to Chachanpali Balniketan Orphanage

Police did not open their mouth about her mother

Sambalpur: Vimsar’s daughter Bijayeeni has gone to Balniketan in Chachanpali. Bijayeeni was handed over to the Burla police station on Thursday on behalf of Vimsar after the baby girl’s condition improved. Bijayeeni was brought before the Child Welfare Committee (CWC) by the police. The Child Welfare Committee ordered Bijayeeni to be sent to Balniketan in Chachanpali. It is said that Bijayeeni will stay in that orphanage for 3 months. On the other hand, the woman who threw the baby girl into the borewell shortly after giving birth was arrested even after the police did not open their mouths about her.

A cake was cut and sweets were distributed by Vimsar on Thursday after Bijayeeni, who was undergoing treatment at Vimsar, recovered and discharged. When Bijayeeni stayed in this hospital from the day she was rescued, all Vimsar people made her own. From the doctors to the chairman, almost everyone was associated with Bijayeeni. Even so, some women who brought their newborns to Vimsar donated their milk for Bijayeeni. While bidding farewell to Bijayeeni on Thursday, All Vimsar was a bit emotional. Acting Director Prof. Bimalkrishna Panda, Chairman Prof. Jayshree Dora, Superintendent Prof. Lalmohan Naik, Head of Pediatric Department Prof. Prakash Panda, Prof. Subas Majhi, Dr. Virendra Pradhan, Dr. Sujit Meher, Dr. Shankar Ramachandani were the major attendees. Clothes and other things were provided for Bijayeeni by the officials of Vimsar.

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