Sambalpur: Preparation of Lok Mahotsav, Meeting Announcement and Promotion Sub-committee

Sambalpur: A meeting of the announcement and communication sub-committee on the Sambalpur Lok Mahotsav has been held. The meeting was held under the chairmanship of Manas Ranjan Mishra, chairman of the promotion sub-committee, and in the presence of coordinator Bhola Shankar Mahattam. Discussions were held on how to properly celebrate the Lok Mahotsav. While the program was presented in Sambalpuri and English in previous years, this time it was decided to include Hindi as well. For this, the selection process will be held on the 17th of December at 3:00 PM in Sambalpur Hall and the applicant has requested that interested candidates from 18 years of age in Sambalpur district be included in this process.
Similarly, in the meeting chaired by announcement subcommittee Surya Panigarahi, tributes were first paid to eminent dramatist Dr. Prasanna Sahu. However, this year, there was a discussion regarding the promotion of the Institute, which works especially for the promotion of folk dance, folk music, folk songs, folk literature, drama, traditional folk art and folk language, and folk culture. 2 people are referred to each day and the small circle picture related to them is set to be displayed during the festival period. Manas Banerjee, Dr. Rajaram Shadangi, Mamata Panda, Yogesh Nand, Piki Pradhan, Devendra Pradhan, and Mishali Barik were the prominent ones.