Sambalpur Local News

“Sambalpur Bandh” today for the Demand of separate statehood for Western Odisha

Sambalpur: Instead of giving importance to the development of Western Odisha, the state government is indirectly obstructing it. The Sambalpur Civil Action Committee has brought allegations of conspiracy against it without fulfilling the demands of the people of Sambalpur and Western Odisha. The Sambalpur Citizen Action Committee has called for a 12-hour shutdown of the Sambalpur on Wednesday 23rd to demand the establishment of a separate state for West Odisha.

Although the public and lawyers have been agitating for the establishment of a permanent bench of the High Court in Sambalpur for many years, the state government is adopting a policy of patter instead of making concrete proposals. Western Odisha is neglected everywhere. In the meeting held on 18th under the chairmanship of Citizen Action Committee, Arvind Mohapatra, the state government’s approach was severely criticized and all parties involved in the conspiracy to prevent the establishment of a permanent high court in Sambalpur were warned. Instead of taking up the development plan for Sambalpur, the state government is making efforts to install water meters in this city. The meeting condemned the government for such a decision.

Along with this, on 23rd, from 6 am to 6 pm, shops, offices, offices and lanes have been called to be closed. However, essential services and various types of examinations have been excluded from the shutdown. It has been decided not to block the lanes of students and examiners who are going to take the exam. Various business associations of the city participated in the meeting and supported the shutdown call. On the other hand, the Sambalpur Citizen Committee will actively cooperate and support Chitratpala Youth Association and Nandapada Sital Sasti Jatra Committee in observing this closure, its editor Prabhudutta Dutt Panda informed. Similarly, all Kosala organizations and Kosala fighters have expressed unconditional support for Sambalpur’s bandh call. Kosala leader Birendra Panigarahi has informed in a press release that this is the only option for ending the border between Western Odisha and Kosala area.

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