Sambalpur: Bhagwat Premi Kailasi Minketan Nath recite 200 pages of Bhagavata Parayan without seeing the book

Sambalpur: In Sindurpank village under Sambalpur Metropolitan Corporation, the reading of the 11th Shloka Puran of Srimad Bhagavata composed by Jagannath Das has been held. Retired Odisha Forest Development Corporation employee Bhagwat Premi Kailasi Minketan Nath recite it without reading the book. He memorized the Puran book with 203 pages and more than 72 thousand words for 12 years. Although there is no rule to record it in the Limca Book of Records, Limca Book of Records has congratulated him for his achievement and continuous 12 years of spiritual practices. In 2015, he traveled to the Holy Kailas Man Sarovar and wrote a book on his experiences. Naveen Kumar Sahu, Giridhari Dhar, Prashanna Kar, Laxman Panda, Saroj Dhar, Suresh Kar, Chamar Panigrahi, Radheshyam Panda, Shraddhakar Nath, Dilip Tripathi, Surya Narayan, Sudhakar Nath, Ashok Kar, present in this rare Bhagavata Parayan program of Minketan. Many devotees including Saikrishna Dhar, Kanhucharan Dhar, Santashini Das, Pushpanjali Pati, Kishori Kar, Urmila Dhar, Padmini Sahu, Sachala Dhar, Nirupa Nath attended.