Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Budharaja – Jagannath Colony road is very busy road, illegal parking is on the rise

The Jagannath Colony Road from Budharaja is now in the hands of illegal parking and occupiers. The road, which is quite wide, is now narrow. As a result, traffic jams have often been reported. Problems have arisen for large malls and roadside shops. Even though the Sambalpur Metropolitan Corporation was aware of this, the situation was deteriorating day by day as no action was taken. Mausum, who lives in Jagannath Colony, said even after moving from the urban to the metropolitan, the situation has not improved. Traffic control at the city’s main location is a major concern, as metropolitan authorities are reluctant.

In the evening, it is difficult to get through Dhanupali via Jagannath Colony Road. So the surprising thing is, People park their vehicle here and there and walk around. As a result, even if a car came on the road, there was no place to go. So many complaints have been made to the SMC. But the situation is the same. “Most of the roads are in the hands of the occupiers,” he said. There was no way to get to Jagannath Colony. However, there are no reports of injuries or severe damage. City dwellers are being harassed by incompetent SMC officials and staff. He said the problem has been growing for years, rather than reducing it.

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