Sambalpur / Burla: Broker Raj resumes in Casual, Patient-relative victim of abuse

Broker Raj resumes at Burla Medical. Some casualties have been reported in various wards, starting with Casual Car dealers have been accused of extorting large sums of money from relatives of patients. While these dishonest employees are charging commissioners by hiring some domestic ambulance drivers outside. At the same time, the broker was taking money from the patient relatives, promising to provide them cheap cars. On the night of the 9th April, a critically ill man was shifted from Cuttack to Casualty on the night of shifting. Two days ago, a critically ill patient in Burla was rushed to a nearby hospital by family members. The doctor then advised family members to relocate the patient to Cuttack. As soon as the patient was informed of the relocation to Cuttack, some outsourcing staff arrived and advised them to provide an ambulance to go to Cuttack cheaply and took 3,000 rupees. They also arrange an ambulance. On the other hand they also money charge from the ambulance owner. If medical staff are brokers then the patient relative victim of abuse.