Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Burla Eviction Drive Continues, More than 70 shops were demolished from Bharti Club Street to Gopbandhu Street

Burla: From August 11 to October 1, Sambalpur Metropolitan Corporation demolished 463 buildings, stalls, and shops in eight phases from Gopbandhu Street to Indira Street through Kaccha Market and Pakka Market to Petrol Path Street. On Tuesday, 70 shops were demolished from Bharti Club Street to Gopbandhu Street, according to SMC Enforcement Officer Shubhakar Mohanty. However, as some of the shopkeepers did not transfer the goods, they were given extra time by the SMC from the 11th to the 23rd of last month, 183 buildings, walls, and shops were peacefully demolished from three streets, Laxmipuja Street, Indira Street to Gopbandhu Street.

SMC bulldozers ran from Indira Street to Petrol Pump Street continuously from 7 to 14 last month. From Indira Street through Kaccha Market to Pakka Market, Petrol Pump Street is the busiest and most of the problems were caused during the eviction of the big buildings and shops. On the fourth day, 134 buildings, 96 on the fifth day, 25 on the sixth day, and 21 on the seventh day were demolished by the SMC. From 7 am to 7 pm on Monday, 3 JCBs of SMC and 1 poklin from Bharti Club Street to Gopbandhu Street were used to demolish 70 shops.

There was no dispute or aggravation during the dismissal process. Mr. Mohanty said that the campaign to remove the eviction was going on peacefully. As many transformers attached to the road have come to the middle of the road due to the eviction, TPWODL, and the entire department jointly shifted them to another place. Additional District Magistrate Sushanta Sahu was present in the eviction process while Burla Revenue Inspector Haribansa Naik, Pravarthan Squad, and Burla Police were present.

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