Sambalpur: Compassionate Act by Swaviman as Village Refuses AIDS Patient’s Last Rites

Sambalpur: In a heartbreaking incident in Debagarh district, villagers displayed prejudice and superstition by refusing to bring the dead body of an AIDS-stricken woman to her village. The deceased woman, who left behind a 19-year-old daughter and a 10-year-old son, faced rejection from her own community due to baseless fears surrounding the disease.
The family sought help from the villagers to take the body home, but they were met with warnings and refusal. The deceased woman’s husband had faced a similar fate 5 years ago, and the villagers refused to perform the final rites then as well. Left with no support, the family reached out to Swaviman, a volunteer organization based in Sambalpur.
Swaviman, realizing the urgency of the situation, intervened to cremate the body. Members of Swaviman, along with volunteers from Sai Baba self-help groups, transported the body from Burla Vimsar to Sambalpur for the last rites. The association, led by President Sanjib Kansari and Editor Shishir Bohidar supported by dedicated members such as Satyaban Bagh, Kundan Pradhan, Sameer Hota, Debanta Behera, Abhishek Pradhan, Rajendra Das, Tanmaya Nayak, Apurba Nayak, Akash Sahu, Upendra Raut, Biki Gond, and Minu Nayak, Pankajini Sahu, Basanti Kath from the Sai Baba Self Helper group, conducted a dignified funeral at Rajghat in Sambalpur.
In front of the deceased woman’s mother, the 19-year-old daughter expressed gratitude for Swaviman’s timely intervention and compassionate act of performing the last rites. The incident highlights the necessity of spreading awareness and sensitivity about diseases such as AIDS, as well as breaking societal taboos to promote dignity in death for all people, regardless of health condition.
This selfless act by Swaviman stands as a testament to the organization’s commitment to humanitarian values and providing support to those in need during challenging times.