Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Condition of Vimsar Fecal Microbiota Transplant (FMT) is miserable, Where is the 5T in Vimsar?

The freezer is not functioning, the dead bodies are rotten !!

BURLA: The patients of 10 districts of Western Odisha and neighboring states of Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh depend on Burla Vimsar, the soul health center of the Western Odisha Health Service, but ironically, the freezers are not being repaired as the freezers keep one dead body after another in Vimsar. All the 3 freezers of the anatomy department have been inoperative for a long time, while all the freezers in FMT have been inoperative for the last 8/10 days. But, it is alleged that no one is paying attention to repairing it. It is alleged that there is a problem in keeping the dead body.

In Vimsar, there is a big problem of storage of dead bodies after the freezers are out of order, one after another freezers are inoperative, but no steps are being taken to repair it. As a result, it becomes difficult to keep the unidentified corpse for at least 3 days due to the immobility of the freezer. There is an allegation that the body rots and smells.

The morgue is mainly for people who have died in accidents and unknown corpses. The corpses that are to be autopsied are kept in the freezer for at least 3 days. Vimsar’s morgue has the facility to accommodate 8 bodies at once. However, it has been alleged that not a single freezer has been functioning for more than a week.

It is not clear why these freezers are not being repaired. In this connection, after asking the head of FMT department Prof. Seema Pirei, she admitted that the freezer has been inactive for the last 8/10 days. The hospital authorities have been informed of its repair. She informed that it will be repaired and made operational as soon as possible.

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