Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Dead Bodies Kept Outside Instead of in Fridges in Vimsar, Maggots Found in Corpses, Sambal Volunteers Express Concerns

Sambalpur: Treating the dead with respect is considered a hallmark of humanity and is emphasized in all religions and communities. However, at Vimsar, Burla, there have been allegations of extreme neglect and disrespect towards unidentified bodies. Reports suggest that bodies are being kept outside instead of in fridges, leading to infestation by maggots. This has raised serious concerns among Sambal volunteers.

According to sources, five unidentified bodies from various police station areas were kept in Vimsar’s mortuary. Although, following standard procedures, the bodies were supposed to be kept in the mortuary for three days post-autopsy, nobody came forward to claim them. Consequently, the bodies were handed over to a local organization called ‘Sambal’ for proper last rites in collaboration with the police.

Out of these five bodies, three were kept in the fridge, while the remaining two were kept outside. As a result, the two bodies kept outside became infested with maggots. When the Sambal family came to collect the bodies today, they noticed a strong foul odor and saw maggots on the two bodies. Upon investigation, it was revealed that the two bodies had been kept outside instead of in the fridge, said Sambal coordinator Ramdas Panda.

Expressing dissatisfaction and concern, Mr. Panda questioned why such negligence was shown towards the dead and why the authorities failed to ensure the bodies were kept in proper conditions until the last rites. He urged the Vimsar authorities and the district administration to address this issue immediately. He demanded that all bodies be stored in fridges to prevent such incidents in the future.

Five Unidentified Bodies Given Proper Rites by Sambal Family:
On Wednesday, the local volunteer organization Sambal conducted the last rites for five unidentified bodies at Sambalpur Rajghat. The railway police had requested assistance for three bodies, while Dhama police station and Burla Medical Outpost had requested help for one body each. All the bodies were unidentified individuals. Following an autopsy and a three-day waiting period in the mortuary for identification, the police requested Sambal to perform the last rites. Souri Panigrahi, Dilip Bose, Shambhu Patel, Anand Ajadiwal, Biranchi Munda, Krishna Munda, Mukti Munda, Dinu Mahananda, Ramesh Deep, and Ramdas Panda assisted in the rites.

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