Sambalpur: Deaths in Hirakud Linked to Various Causes, Not Diarrhea, Confirms Health Department

Sambalpur: Despite three recorded deaths, the diarrhea outbreak in Hirakud, Sambalpur, appears to be under control. According to the district health department, the deaths were not directly caused by diarrhea. Each deceased individual appears to have died as a result of a different illness.
Tikeswar Nayak, 43, who was previously thought to have died from diarrhea, was found to have died from coronary artery disease. Judhir Dharua, aged 42, died from a heart attack despite also suffering from gastroenteritis. It’s noted that he had not been admitted to any hospital for treatment of the gastroenteritis at the time of his death. Jamuna Behera, 62, was reported to have died of acute kidney injury (AKI).
The district administration has taken swift action to prevent the spread of diarrhea in the Hirakud area. A Rapid Response Team (RRT) has been deployed to the Hiarkud District CHC to treat afflicted patients. In addition, pipes have been repaired, mobile toilets have been provided at Hirakud CHC for patient care, and water quality is being monitored daily by super chlorination and testing by a joint team from the water supply and health departments.
As of present, the situation is under control, with three people admitted to the hospital but not in severe condition.