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Sambalpur: Debrigarh Sanctuary’s Record, Generates Rs. 2.5 crore Revenue from Eco-Tourism

Sambalpur: Debrigarh eco-tourism recorded a revenue of Rs. 2.5 crore in the last financial year, which is the highest in India, said Debrigarh Wildlife DFO Anshupragya Das. He informed that a total of 27 thousand domestic and foreign tourists enjoyed overnight stay at Debrigarh Sanctuary, Hirakud Reservoir and Forest Cottage this year.

27 thousand tourists came in the financial year 2022-23

Between April 2022 and March 2023, tourists from various European countries including South Africa, America and Australia have come to Debrigarh Sanctuary. Many of them stay overnight at Debrigarh Nature Camp, while others go on jungle safaris and boating in Hirakud waters. About 10% of the total number of tourists are foreigners. While the remaining 90% is Indian, Odisha is 50% of it, with the second largest number of tourists coming from West Bengal, various packages are currently being offered by Hirakud Wildlife Division for Debrigarh tourism.

Packages can be booked online from the Odisha website, Jungal Safari and Island tour packages ‘Hirakud Quiz & Island Odyssey’ are in great demand among tourists. Jungle trekking, bird watching, kayaking, Cycling, etc. are also popular with the help of experienced eco-guiding. More than 12,000 tourists have visited Jungle Safari in Debrigarh Sanctuary and seen wild animals such as Sambar, Wild Buffalo, Deer, Bear, Wild Boars, Peacock, Cheetah. This year, another Tiger has visited Debrigarh, while for the first time tourists can see it directly.

Debrigarh is divided into 7 zones for the convenience of tourists. The zone where the animal population is highest is named after him. After the end of Corona, the number of tourists in Debrigarh has increased more than three times during the last December and January. In the last fiscal year, Debrigarh received 16,000 tourists and generated an income of Rs 1.5 crore. This year it has seen a significant growth as 90% of the income from Debrigarh is spent on the salaries of local people working here and the maintenance of eco-tourism.

In Debrigarh, the members of the youth, young women and women self-help groups of 45 families in the surrounding 5 girs are engaged in various works. They work as nature camp management, overnight accommodation facilities, safari guides, boat operators, magazine shops, restaurants, gate guards, eco-guides. Members of the fishing family living inside Island are also employed in boating packages. Notable Debrigarh jungle safari takes 1.5 hours and boating takes 1.5 hours.

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