Sambalpur: Demand for government recognition for Sambalpuri Day has been strong
More propaganda is needed about Satyanarayana Bahidar

Sambalpur: The holy birthday of Guru Satyanarayana Bahidar is being celebrated as Sambalpuri Day. The ‘Sambalpuri Din’, launched by the West Ekta Manch from the Sambalpur Municipal Council conference room on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Gurushree Satya Narayan Bahidar on August 1, 2012, has already reached the international level. A preparatory meeting has been held today at the Odisha Cultural Society Room to hold this year’s state-level ‘Sambalpuri Day’ program on the open stage as before.
The Chief Adviser of the Western Unity Forum, Dr. Pramod Rath chaired the meeting, was attended by host Bhavani Shankar Bhoi and Manas Ranjan Bakshi, chief coordinator. The intellectuals and cultural organizers present make efforts to celebrate the day in schools, colleges and rural areas in the coming days. The state government’s culture department has demanded that August 1 be included as Sambalpuri Day in the cultural and government calendars. “Sambalpuri Day should be observed at the government level in view of its acceptance,” he said.
The meeting was attended by Padma Shri Dr. Jitendra Haripal, Dr. Shyam Sundar Dhar, Sureshwar Mishra, Prafulla Hota, Parvez Ali Khan, Gunaranjan Salima, Karthik Bahidar, Ranjan Sahu, Bishwamohan Jena, Paresh Dani, Ashok Mishra, Ananya Nayak, Manoranjan Badpanda, Pinky Pradhan, Surendra Bagarshi, Pushpa Behera, Mausumi Dora, Lalit Bebarsha, Saroj Das, Tarini Panigrahi, Ramesh Saha, Annapurna Barik, Mohit Swain, Udit Patyoshi, Mahesh Patel, Krushnachandra Barik, Anjali Rao, Alok Panda, Ramashish Tripathi, Atish Shatapathi, Narendra Panigrahi.