Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Dissatisfaction is growing over the careless attitude of P.H.D, Drinking water supply is filled with Muddy Layer

Sambalpur: Government Hoardings are turning a blind eye to providing clean drinking water to the people. In fact, it is rare to find good water to satisfy the thirst. This is not a matter of a suburban area, but from today to three months ago, the fate of the residents of Sambalpur city has been filled with mud water. The condition of the water supplied by the public health department is far from drinkable, and one is afraid to take a bath.

As there is no alternative, that too has become unsustainable for the people and even though such problems persisted, the P.H.D department remained indifferent, and now it has become a source of extreme dissatisfaction. In the city of Sambalpur, there is dissatisfaction among the people regarding drinking water supply. On the one hand, even though the city has been transformed from a municipal council to a metropolitan corporation, these minimum basic facilities are not well accessible to the people. Even now, the public health department has not been able to supply drinking water to the many areas of the city.

In this condition, people are forced to drink muddy water for more than 5 months. Since the onset of rainy days, people have been getting only water containing mud. The water collected in the bucket is found to have a thick clayey mud layer congealing at the bottom and since Jaundice in Sambalpur, there are allegations that people are afraid to drink water because even after the water is boiled, there is thick mud layer at the bottom, which would scare anyone. Even with different types of advanced filter machines or aqua guards, it is alleged that complete clean water is not found. However, not for a day or two, this situation has been going on ever since months. It is alleged that P.H.D department is living in a commercial mindset by installing water meters in all the houses. While rich people are forced to buy and use mineral water from various companies, poor people have no choice. P.H.D has argued that water purification is being given importance, but in reality, this muddy water is an example of negligence.

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