Sambalpur: District Headquarter Hospital has become a parking yard for the Nursing Homes

Sambalpur: The city’s roads are jammed due to the parking lot. Whether it is a house or a supermarket, the owner is buying a vehicle without having its own parking space. Parking on the road has become a daily occurrence as there is no space to park. Leaving the current road, some people have already made a parking yard on the premises of the Sambalpur district hospital. However, the owner of a nursing home near DHH is accused of always parking his vehicle on the hospital campus.
After the announcement of the arrival of the Head of the Odisha Human Rights Commission in Sambalpur District Hospital, there was chaos. Yesterday, the police took care of the situation there. It also ordered the immediate removal of illegally parked vehicles. The vehicles were temporarily removed. Once again in the evening the vehicles were brought and placed there. However, some nursing homes near by do not have their own space to keep the vehicles, so they are always kept there in DHH. However, there is a lack of space for the patients coming to the hospital, while the security guards prevent them from parking in other areas, and the nursing homes and other outside vehicles are always parked at DHH, people have complained. Yesterday, while the police were inspecting the situation, the police were facing a problem for a while by an unknown vehicle. Later the vehicle was taken to the police station. However, the police are investigating who is the real owner of the vehicle.