Sambalpur: Dr. Ramchandani donated his allowance money received for Covid duty to the woman who lost her husband due to Corona

Sambalpur: When the phone came, the woman burst into tears. Her cries disturbed those all around. The woman who was lying on the premises of Burla Hospital received a call from Covid Hospital. She was informed that her husband Nilamani Jena had died in the hospital. 32-year-old Sumani Jena brought Burla from Sundargarh Patrapada with great difficulty to treat her husband who was infected with Corona. Here she was waiting for her husband in the Covid hospital, but as soon as the disaster subsided, the mountains of grief fell on her. The childless Sumani was completely alone.
Doctor Shankar Ramchandani, a social worker and a medicine specialist from Vimsar, who was passing by, saw this and stopped. He understood all thing by asking. They are very poor and have no one to call their own after losing the husband. She did not even have the capacity to take the dead body, nor did anyone come to help her. Dr. Ramchandani, seeing the suffering of Sumani, gave her financial assistance of Rs. 15,000. Dr. Ramchandani who was on duty for 15 days at Vimsar Covid Hospital received an allowance of Rs. 1000 per day. He had previously decided to invest it in some good work related to Covid. By giving this money to Sumani who was widowed due to Covid, he helped her for some way.