Sambalpur: 2 modern technology machines inaugurated at Vimsar RDC

Burla: 2 modern technology machines inaugurated at Vimsar RDC. The first is the Excel 1000 fully automatic biochemistry machine, which is able to test about 2,000 different types of blood per hour and the other is Eklea (Tulip) in which it is informed that all kinds of hormonal tests can be done. While its trial run was already underway, Vimsar Director Professor Lalit Meher inaugurated these two machines on Friday.
Vimsar Director Prof. Lalit Meher, Superintendent Prof. Lal Mohan Naik, RDC Medical Incharge Prof. Radhamohan Ghadod, Biochemistry Department Assistant Prof. Jyotsna Kiro, RDC Water Technical Incharge Sumant Sahu, Tapas Mahant, Hospital Manager Kirtiman Mahant, Hospital General Manager were present in the inauguration ceremony. Vimsar authorities informed that these two machines will be functional from Saturday.