Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Mismanagement in Vimsar’s Cancer Ward; Security Guard Sits in Doctor’s Chair, Busy with Register Instead of Security Duty

Security Guards Performing Clerical Work Instead of Their Duties

Sambalpur: The cancer ward of Vimsar is once again in the spotlight due to mismanagement. A few days ago, the issue of doctors treating cancer patients under mobile flashlight due to a power outage caused an uproar in the state. In the past, security guards have been seen checking patients’ blood pressure, which raised serious concerns. Now, another instance of mismanagement has surfaced.

Security Guard Handling Patient Records

On Saturday, a security guard assigned to the cancer ward was seen sitting in the nurses’ and officers’ designated seats and writing patient details in the hospital register. The hospital, which serves more than 10 districts in western Odisha, also treats patients from neighboring states like Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh. Every day, over 2,500 patients visit the hospital, accompanied by their relatives, which leads to overcrowding.

Hospital’s Growing Patient Load and Mismanagement

The hospital assigns security personnel primarily to manage patient queues, control the heavy crowd, and handle parking. However, instead of monitoring the ward’s security, staff found the security guard doing clerical work. Several family members of patients surrounded the security guard, as they noticed him writing patient details from tickets into the hospital register.

Authorities Assure Investigation

Dr. Lalmohan Nayak, the superintendent of Vimsar, clarified that security guards are only responsible for crowd control when informed about the issue. He assured that they would conduct an investigation and take necessary action against those responsible.

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