Sambalpur: In refund for the ticket money, the cyber fraud took Rs 4.5 lakh from the woman

Sambalpur: Cyber fraud in the air ticket refund. Cyber looters swindled Rs 4.5 lakh from a female employee working in the Hindalco under Hirakud police station. According to the complaint, the female employee was asked to contact a Go Trip customer care for the refund of Rs 30000. So she tweet this incident in twitter. After find this tweet the fraudsters contact the woman and asked to download so many apps for the refund. through this apps they can control the desktop of the woman and asked the woman to enter user id and password to enter in the application. Once she enter the password and id , Rs 4.5 lakh has been debited from the account. Then when she realized she was victim of fraud she complaint to cyber police station.