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Sambalpur: Incident of Woman Drowning in Siphon, Video of woman sitting and dangling her legs in the water is now going viral

Sambalpur: Less than two and a half months ago, the incident of drowning of Vssut student Chinmayi Sahu in Power Channel has not been erased from the minds of the people. And today, the incident of a young woman floating in the siphon of the river channel has disturbed everyone. However, a video taken by this young woman before she floated in the water is now going viral. The scene of the young woman sitting precariously on the side of the siphon is heart-pounding.

Today’s incident is said to be one of the reasons for the increasing phobia of selfies among the youth. Especially in the Power channel, such incidents were frequently encountered, although neither the OHPC authorities, nor the Hirakud Dam authorities, nor the police administration is taking any action to resolve it.

From the back of Burla Medical Cancer Ward to the center of city the Power Channel, NH’s PC Bridge, Siphon and 18,000 were drowning incidents are happening every year. In this, especially the youth are the victims of death. However, in most of these cases, boyfriend and girlfriend pair or incident happening while taking selfies. However, on the night of last February 28, Balangir’s daughter and Vssut student Chinmayi died in Power Channel, although the reason remains a mystery. No one could digest the idea of hanging out at PC Bridge with a male friend until 8pm and in today’s incident, the video of the young woman sitting on the side of the siphon and dangling her legs in the water is now going viral. This situation has arisen today due to sudden opening of the auto gate. Even though there have been many such incidents in the past, there is growing dissatisfaction as no steps are being taken to redress them.

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