Sambalpur: Students were brought to Pandian’s meeting by scaring them: ABVP Demand for early student union elections

Sambalpur: To please the 5-T secretaries, students from most colleges of Sambalpur district were brought to Dhankauda by bus against their will on Saturday. The students were brought to the meeting in fear. Some students protested they were threatened and told to go to the meeting. On behalf of ABVP, the complaint will be submitted in writing to Sambalpur SP on Tuesday, ABVP State Joint Secretary Swetanshu Barai informed in a press conference held at Sambadik Bhavan today.
It was alleged that ABVP had misused government funds and written letters to the chairpersons of various colleges in Kandhamal and Bargarh and brought the students to the meeting place by bus. From the arrival of the students to their return, many incidents took place. which posed a threat to the lives of the students. Many students were injured when a bus carrying students hit a truck in Jamankira area. The incident did not end there, after the meeting ended, two groups of Biju Students Janata Party throwing chair each other and fight. Similarly, a student’s hair was left in a fan attached to the meeting for almost half an hour. Mr. Barai alleged that many students who attended the meeting were not left home till 10 pm.
Similarly, the internal examination was canceled of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose (NSCB) College. The internal examination was held in NSCB College on the 14th. According to the examination notice of the college authorities, the examination was to be held on the 15th. Students also came to the college to take the exam. But they were pressured to go to Pandian’s meeting. He said that the college authorities even canceled the exam to attend the meeting.
Mr. Barai further alleged that the student parliament elections in Odisha have been closed for the last 4 years. The state government has called off the elections on various pretexts. He demanded that the state government immediately announce the date of the student parliament elections. Simran Pradhan, Yashvardhan Tiwari were prominently present in the press conference along with Pritish Kar, Sambalpur district coordinator of ABVP.