Sambalpur is burning, Temperature of Sambalpur city reached 46.1 degrees, which is the highest in the state

Sambalpur: The temperature is now the highest recorded in the state. Since the beginning of June, the temperature in Sambalpur has been high everywhere in the state, with the temperature crossing 46 degrees on Monday. Due to heavy heat and hot storms, public life has been disrupted. In Sambalpur district, it feels dry in the morning. After 10 o’clock in the day, people should not leave the house unless it is very urgent. At 2:30 pm on Monday, the temperature was 45.3 and 44.4 degrees in Hirakud.
Meanwhile, the temperature of Sambalpur City reached 46.1 degrees, which is the highest in the state. There was heavy rain in Sambalpur from 9 am to 5 pm on Monday. It was impossible for people to leave the house from 11:00 to 4:00. Most of the streets in the city were deserted. Fans and coolers were not working in the unbearable hot and intense heat. The river water started boiling at 8 am. It was not possible to bathe even in the river at 1 o’clock in the day. Hot water was coming out from domestic water tanks. It has been found that most of the supermarkets in the city have closed after 12 noon. Even though the AC and cooler were running at night, the sweat did not stop. On the other hand, the forecast given by the Meteorological Department is that there will be no relief from such weather for the next 5 days.