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Sambalpur: Junior Clerk of the office of Sambalpur Joint Labor Commissioner is in the vigilance net

Sambalpur: Bhagirathi Kharsel, a junior clerk in the office of the Sambalpur joint labor union, is under surveillance. On Thursday, he was arrested by the vigilance while taking a bribe of 20 thousand rupees from a contractor.

According to information, Bhagirathi demanded bribe from the said contractor to issue 55 workers license with validity in a year. After receiving a complaint from the contractor, the vigilance nets were spread to nab him. On Thursday, the Sambalpur vigilance team seized Rs 20,000 from him while he was accepting the bribe money from the contractor in the office of the Joint Labor Commissioner. Bhagirathi was arrested by the vigilance team and arraigned on Thursday. On the other hand, Bhagirathi official residence near Sambalpur District School Street and his father’s house in Jharghati village are also being raided and the investigation is ongoing.

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