Sambalpur: Jyoti Vihar area is polluted, People are uncomfortable in the dust

Burla: The local environment is getting polluted due to the dumping of factory fly ash through thousands of bins in an empty tank near the Sambalpur University SUIIT. It has been alleged that people are facing serious problems due to this. Similarly, the roads of the local area are also getting damaged due to heavy vehicle traffic. A few days ago, the Burla Citizen Committee protested against this and issued a demand letter to officers of Sambalpur University. It has been demanded that the movement of heavy vehicles loaded with ash from morning to night should be stopped immediately. The control board is also raising questions about the land. However, factory ash is being used instead of soil in this area. On the other hand, soil is being thrown to hide the toxic ash. So, thousands of piles of ash have already fallen here. However, due to the waste of this industry, it is feared that even trees will not grow here due to the loss of soil fertility. Despite the allegations, the pollution control board and the University officers remain silent has raised many questions in the local public quarters.