Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Law and order situation in city is in disorder, Chase and stab the young man with knife

Sambalpur: The city of Sambalpur has now become the playground of criminals Criminals now consider the police to be a free hit in cricket Just as the batsman plays big shots in the free hit without fear of getting out, the criminals in Sambalpur are now committing crimes without fear as if they have got both from the police.

Stabs in words, robbery in the blink of an eye, the disorder law and order situation in Sambalpur city has become a vivid example. A stabbing took place in Sambalpur Dhanupali police station area on Sunday. 3 youths chased and stabbed a person due to previous enmity, the young man is undergoing treatment at the Burla Hospital after the stabbing.

According to information, Raju Dehuri was coming to his father’s tea stall in Jailchowk between 9 am and 9:30 am on Sunday. At this time, 3 youths chased Raju from the jail chowk with a knife and 3 captured Raju near Commissioners Colony and one after another 3 people attacked Raju. Raju’s chest, stomach and head are seriously injured. After receiving information from the local people, Dhanupali police reached the spot and rescued Raju and admitted him to Sambalpur District Hospital. As his condition is critical, he has been shifted to Burla Medical. The police said that he underwent surgery there. However, he is critical under treatment there. On the other hand, even after the names, villages and addresses of the accused have been known, the police have failed to catch the accused. Forming a special team, the police are searching at different places to catch the accused.

According to reliable sources, Raju and the three accused who stabbed him had a good relationship. A few days ago, there was a fight between them over something. It is said that the stabbing took place over that quarrel.

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