Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Local Residents Unhappy with Deteriorating Jail Chowk to Dhanupali Road

Sambalpur: Residents are dissatisfied with the quality of the road construction project that extends from Sambalpur’s Jail Chowk to Dhanupali. Despite recent renovation efforts, concerns have been raised about the road’s increasing deterioration, which is making it more challenging for bikes and creating a safety risk to commuters.

Critics have accused the municipal department of misusing funds allocated for modernization initiatives, alleging deliberate deception through substandard work. It has been noted that, while initially coated with gravel (pichu), the road was quickly destroyed, raising concerns about the materials utilized and the whole construction process.

Of particular concern is the absence of proper testing and approval procedures for construction materials, essential for ensuring road durability. This oversight has triggered questions about the road’s mixed design as well as the lack of laboratory testing on materials provided by developers.

BJP youth leader Saumik Babu has criticized the declining quality of work despite approvals from the department’s own quality control unit. He claims that the project’s execution has been plagued by issues from the beginning, with no satisfactory explanations provided by officials from the Sambalpur East Division-1.

Residents emphasize the importance of addressing these concerns promptly to ensure the safety and convenience of commuters using the Jail Chowk to Dhanupali road.

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