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Sambalpur: Loknath Sadangi, a retired teacher signing a legal will for body donation after death

Sambalpur: Loknath Sadangi, a retired teacher from Gopalmal, Sambalpur will donate his entire body after his death. He signed the legal will by way of dedication.

Mr. Sadangi has been teaching students free of charge after his retirement. In addition, they are engaged in public awareness for organ donation and body donation after death.

On this occasion, his wife Golapi Das, daughter-in-law Sasmita Arya, son Lingaraj Sadangi and the , Dr. Vijay Pradhan, legal adviser Laxman Panigarahi, Sudhir Pujari, Prashant Pattjoshi, Rudra Narayan Mishra and Pravin Dikshit were present.

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