Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Looters are active in Sambalpur, Robbers snatch a gold chain from a woman’s neck

Sambalpur: The terror of robbers has been increasing in Sambalpur for a few months. Efforts are being made to prevent crime control by putting up permanent cabins in the main streets of the police. But the robbers are always 2 steps ahead of the police. Looters are found to be more active in the area of Ainthapali police station. Gold chains have been stolen from the necks of more than 3 women within 2 months, while another woman was robbed yesterday afternoon.

P. Lakshmi of Karamtoli Shyam Vihar was walking home from Ainthapali Street on Thursday afternoon. 2 miscreants on a bike approached her on Kainsir Road and robbed her of a gold chain worth one and a half lakh rupees. After the woman lodged a written complaint at the Ainthapali police station on Thursday night, the police registered a case and started investigating the incident.

This time also bike without the number plate

Bikes and vehicles without number plates are used in most of the robberies in Sambalpur. Recently, the police also seized 2 unnumbered bikes from Thelkopada. The miscreants also used a KTM bike with no number plate to rob P. Laxmi on Kainsir Road. The miscreants are using the unnumbered vehicles to fool the police.

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