Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Mystery Looms Over Sambalpur Hanuman Jayanti Violence Mastermind

Sambalpur: Last year, at Sambalpur’s Hanuman Jayanti celebrations, a peaceful day turned into chaos when violence erupted, wreaking havoc on the city. Despite multiple arrests by the police for crimes like stone-throwing, arson, and even murder, the mastermind behind the chaos remains unknown.

On April 12, 2023, a bike parade organized by the Hanuman Jayanti Samanwaya Samiti turned violent, with stones thrown against the bike parade and the police forces, injuring ten policemen, including the Dhanupali Police Station Officer and the Town Police Officer. Damodar Kar, Executive President of the Hanuman Jayanthi Coordinating Committee, sustained serious injuries and was hospitalized for ten days. Police discovered a petrol bomb at the location, indicating that the attack was planned ahead of time.

Despite acknowledging that the incident was preplanned, officials have yet to identify and apprehend the mastermind behind it. Even though around 170 people were involved in the violence, not all have been brought to justice. Concerns are growing among the public over the delayed arrests and the police’s apparent inability to capture the main instigator.

Administrative failings during the April 12th bike demonstration and the April 14th Hanuman Jayanthi parade annoyed the situation, causing widespread rioting and property damage. The police administration’s incompetence not only caused physical harm but also interrupted the lives of innocent citizens who had to deal with curfews and internet outages.

Despite these challenges, the resilient residents of Sambalpur cooperated with law enforcement efforts to restore peace and harmony. However, there is still an urgent need to identify and convict those responsible for orchestrating the disturbances, as well as to ensure that such instances do not occur again.

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