Sambalpur: NCC Day Celebration at Vimsar by NCC Cadets along with Drawing Competition

NCC to celebrate 75th anniversary of its raising
The National Cadet Corps (NCC), the largest uniformed youth organization in the world raised in 1948, will celebrate its 75th Anniversary on November 26, 2023, signifying a momentous chapter in its legacy of honing youth with core principles such as discipline, leadership, and unwavering patriotism.

In solemn commemoration of this significant milestone, the NCC Day Celebration at Vimsar, Burla by NCC Cadets. Mr. Saroj Kumar Tripathi, A.N.O. Miss. Jyoti Dhali, A. N. O. Mukesh Singh, and Ganeshilal Yadav Hawaldwar were the Team leaders. NCC cadets and 115 Students from VIMSAR, Nursing College Sambalpur & N.S.C. College Sambalpur participated in the NCC DAY Celebration. In the end, a Drawing Competition was held.