Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Odisha Driver Union has started a protest to leave the steering wheel for an indefinite period on the demand of 10 clause

Sambalpur: Driver Ekta Mahamanch has started a protest to leave the steering wheel for an indefinite period on the demand of 10 clause. Thousands of drivers in different road of the state have come to the roads and demonstrated in protest. Its effect is also found in Sambalpur. The members of the Odisha Drivers Maha Sangh Sambalpur held a peaceful protested on wednesday. The Drivers were seen stopping the vehicles and asking them to join the movement. The drivers were blocking all the freight vehicles and there was a dispute between the members of the Drivers’ Mahamanch for some time at Ainthapali Street. After the arrival of the police officers, the situation calmed down.

Due to the failure of the discussions of the Driver Ekta Mahamanch with the state government, the movement of vehicles has been affected across the state. Conversely, as the 10th and 12th examination is going on, the police administration has made preparations so that the effect of this protest does not affect the exam of the students.

During the discussion with the Transport Minister with Driver Union on Tuesday, they asked to fulfill six major demands. One demand out of 6, such as accident insurance for workers, Rs 20 lakh in case of an accident while driving, Rs 10 lakh in case of physical disability and Rs 5 lakh for emergency medical treatment, were said to be provided free of charge but the discussion did not bear any result. The Driver Union has said that there will be protest in the upcoming Days.

All Buses will run on Thursday

The effect of this ban has also been seen in various area of the district including Sambalpur city. There was a kind of silence on the roads on Wednesday as the drivers’ union announced a strike. A long line of trucks could be seen near Roads but some vehicles were running by the administration’s help. But as there were no people, most of the buses were not ran on Wednesday. However, the Bus Owners Association has said that passenger buses will operate from Thursday.

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