Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Online service system has been launched by SMC, complaint number is provided but SMC forget to solve the issue

Sambalpur: An online service system has been launched by the Metropolitan Corporation to provide services to the public. It is being spread that if you complain online, the problem is solved immediately. Only those who are complaining online know what the reality is. File a complaint online, call again and again, and you might get a reply. There is doubt about this too. Complaints to SMC online about any problem are accepted. The complaint number is also provided to the complainant. No action is taken. There are many such complaints, but the people are dissatisfied that no action is being taken by the SMC.

According to the complaint, on November 29, a complaint was made to the SMC about the street lights of Colony behind Central School-1 not being lit. After receiving the complaint, the concerned department also provided the complaint number. The complainant hoped that the problem would be resolved within a day or two. Since 4 days have passed, no steps have been taken to solve the problem. Not only this but a few months ago there was also a street light problem. Local people complained about this. A few days later, the department staff came but returned after repairing the lights in another place. The street light was switched off again after a day, even though it was repaired due to complaints. This has become a regular occurrence. People are being forced to rush to the SMC office to file a complaint from the internet. The intellectuals have demanded that the SMC take immediate action to solve the online complaints. On the other hand, billions of rupees have been spent to illuminate the city of Sambalpur and street lights have been installed at various places. However, no attention is paid to how it can be properly maintained. In many places, the street lights have been running for months. In such a situation, people living in that area have to face non-existent problems. The public is demanding that necessary steps be taken by the Corporation.

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