Sambalpur: Patients at Burla Vimsar Suffer Due to Dangerous Verandah Holes, Patient Falling from Stretcher, Authorities Silent

Sambalpur: No problem leaving behind Burla Vimsar. Starting from the problem of beds, patient shelters, MRI machines, there are now holes in various places of the medical indoor verandah, and it is alleged that the patients are suffering. It is alleged that a critical patient fell from the stretcher while being shifted due to this hole.
According to the complaint, a hole was created in the front porch of the EN Women’s Department building, while another hole was created in front of the Men’s Orthopedic Ward. On Tuesday, while a critical patient was being shifted from the casualty to the intensive care unit, the wheel of the stretcher fell into the hole in front of the ward. As a result, the patient fell from the stretcher, according to some medical staff who were present there. The patient was taken back to the ward on a stretcher with the help of the bystanders. There is a case where one such patient fell off the stretcher before the EN department. These holes continue to grow in size day by day as they are not repaired despite repeated serious patient falls. It is alleged that while the medical authorities are keeping silent, the former department officials are also sitting handcuffed.
For this, Medical Center chairman Dr. Lalmohan Nayak was contacted to inquire, but his response was not received. After asking the maintenance department SDO Shantanu Sahu replied, that there was no written report from the medical center regarding the problem. If the authorities will inform then the work will be done.