Sambalpur: This is the Drinking Water Supply System, when will Amrit-2 scheme will be implemented?

Sambalpur: The pipe has been damaged to supply drinking water to the people. Month after month has passed, some pipes are broken. Water will come to people’s house, this hope is still alive now. People are also hope that water will surely flow from the pipe clinging to the house. So it is happens when never known. This is not a picture of a single place. The situation is the same everywhere, starting from the village to the city. For laying pipelines and providing water connection, public welfare department has spent more than 100,000 rupees.
How much work has been done is staggering. Where one, where two, where 5/6 pipe posts installed at the same time, after seeing the work, a question arises in the mind, is it to bring water to the people or just to show the people. It has also raised questions as to how people will collect water from the places where six water posts have been set up.
This scene is not of any village. The area near district court and the DRDA office. This connection is given to the house on the chaptipali Road, which is connected to the masjid. The secret behind installing water pipe post in one go is difficult to understand. If this water is to be supplied to the public through pipes, how can people collect the water there? There is an opinion in the intelligentsia that whether the operation is legal or not is subject to investigation. Not only this, there is also a tube well near the Water Pipe Post which has been in a state of disrepair for a long time. There is no water coming out of the well or the water pipe. People is watching as chatak bird when will their thirst will be quenched.
Preparations have been started to deal with the drinking water crisis. The 24-hour piped water supply project to the city people in the Amrit-2 project has not been started till now. About 90% of Amrit-1 project has been completed. However, in some areas of the metropolis, there is a problem of groundwater. In Amrit-2, it was announced that people will be provided with 24 hours of drinking water through pipes. That is why the water meters in people’s houses are being installed. Till now, the project for the supply of 24 hours of water has not been launched.
According to departmental information, preparations are now underway to implement the Amrit-2 scheme as a pilot project in Modipada area of Sambalpur Metropolitan Municipality. The tender project will be initiated once the DPR is prepared and approved. In such a situation, the residents of the metropolis will be deprived of 24-hour drinking water facility even next summer, according to the discussion in intelligentsia.