Sambalpur: Poor picture of the DHH lacking beds, patients lying down on grounds

Patients are lying on the ground, put saline on the floor, relatives are nearby. Some patients are waiting for their beds, while others are looking for a place to sleep. Such a grim picture of the Sambalpur District Hospital has now taken everyone by surprise. The situation is such that the hospital authorities are also helpless. At the Sambalpur District Main Hospital, many patients were found lying on the ground. Due to the lack of beds, patients are forced to sleep in the cold outside the new medicine ward and receive medical treatment. Relatives of the patient, on the other hand, said it was difficult to find a place to sleep at night. Sambalpur CDMO Dr. Pankaj Patel acknowledged the situation and said that it was a problem for Ashwini Covid Hospital. “Even though Ashwini Hospital has been ordered to vacate the district main hospital, it will take about 10 days to be completely vacated,” he said. The hospital bed will available after Covid Hospital is completely vacated. Then the situation will improve, people will not have to suffer,Patel said. He added that some patients were forced to relocate to the cabin on Wednesday due to lack of beds.